Ambassador Adrian Daisley has completed Accredited Level 3 CPD Life Coaching Diploma Oxford Learning College 2005, Diploma in Advanced Stress Management from Stonebridge Associated Colleges 2005 Christian Life Coach Cetification accredited by INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONAL CREDENTIALING from the Professional Christian Coaching and Counselling Academy 2007, Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapy Certificate 2 is issued by Quality Licence Scheme: Level 4 Psychotherapy – Advanced Certificate of Achievement, Certificate 1 is issued by Stonebridge Associated Colleges: Psychotherapy – Advanced Diploma, Certified New Insights Life Coach Professional accredited by two very reputable international bodies, the CPD Standards Office and the International Coaches Register and also accredited by the UK based Accredited Counsellors Coaches Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists. Bachelor of Theology from Summit Bible College USA Bakersfield California Summit is not federally accredited but is a member in good standing with the Christian the Academic Council for Educational Accountability (ACEA) 2005, Commonwealth Open University Master of Science in Organizational Behavior accredited by Wiener School for Advanced Studies on Global Education and Distance Learning (WSAS) 2007, Received an Honoris Causa Doctor of Arts from the Global Institutional Accreditation by the European International Education Accreditation Standards and the International Education Quality Accreditation Body, 2022. Received Joint Doctorates from the Feathers and Extender Humanity Academy in Philadelphia USA and Good Samaritan Theological Seminary. followed by Honorary Doctorate Horis Causa from Balkanofantastika Croatia and Nigeria and the People’s Awareness Council International Organization in India and The Good Samaritan Theological Seminary Nigeria 2022.