A world alliance that was supposed to bring about peace in the wake of world war two has placed the world on a world hair trigger with nation fighting nation all by design called “balance of power” which is the structure of the United Nations. Since it’s inception the world has seen more war, conflict and outright genocide that we must all conclude that by the results the United Nations has been an abject failure. The threat to humanity now is that the covert governement apparatus that exists world wide will allow crisis threatening humanity such as the nuclear core meltdowns in Fukushima to fester and continue to pollute the planet. The United Nations has an absolute obsession with the state of Israel with more resolutions condemning it more then all other nations in the world combined by far, that includes repressive terrorist nations such as Hamas, Iran, Syria etc.
A stark example of this as recent as November 24, 2015 the UN General Assembly adopted six non-binding resolutions, drafted by the Palestinians and Syria, criticizing Israel, and no resolutions on any other country, not China, Cuba, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran or ISIS.
This behavior is akin to prewar Nazi Germany when the Nazis began to blame all the ills of Germany on the Jews, in the exact same fashion the United Nations blames the state of Israel for all the world problems unmasking it for what it is.
It is a act taken from the playbook of Rome when Nero burned Rome and blamed the Christians who at that time were primarily Jews which gave cause for them to be made lion fodder for the Roman arenas.

The UN structure for world security is MAD
The term MAD an acronym for Mutually Assured Destruction, to the unlearned or poorly researched may sound like a conspiracy theory, yet the ugly truth is that anyone who understands world security policy knows that the policy set into place after world war two is aptly named; Mutually Assured Destruction, as this policy has now placed the whole world on a thermal nuclear hair trigger.
Mutually Assured Destruction
MAD is the term used by military analysts and strategists the world over as it is the name of security system that has been installed by world powers after world war two. The rational that if one country uses it both countries are dead is just as insane as the acronym.

World Conflict by Design
The world security structure today is so evil that an arch enemy of humanity can not do better. Geopolitical conflict today is fueled by world powers in order to keep competitors fighting while they supply both sides with weapons. Countries without internal conflict such as Sweden have the seeds of conflict sown into them with masses of refugees incompatible with Swedish culture are allowed to flood the country in order to fuel strife and conflict. Strife and conflict internally and externally can easily be traced to large outside powers sowing the seeds of strife and dissent thereby igniting and fueling conflicts in regions they wish to affect change in.