I spent 12 years travelling the world and learning about civilizations and languages.
When I started learning Hebrew, the Torah, and the Zohar, knowing already the Bible and the Quran, I got surprised. It was there, all the answers, in the book of the Law and Light (Example : our / אךר, or the Power Bound to Thinking, and in Arabic :نور, or the Seed Bound to Thinking).
There I understood something, the Torah is the code that deciphers the bible, and particularly the Quran. The latter is not understood in any depth by the profane who did not study Hebrew, ancient letters origins (Archayc hebrew, phoeinician,assyrian, summerian, and Egyptian), the word of God are in fact Natural Patterns that we can make sense of in Mathematics (my field as an engineer), where we can use Machine learning and AI to study the Natural Design made by God or I should say the concept of : Elohim. Understanding how Islam & Christianism is are completed and unified by the word of the light, Algebra and Mathematics is what I would like to share with humanity (particularly Muslims, my community of origin), for a more peaceful world.
What I want to do is to share my story. Quite unbelivebale, put I have received revelations that major changes are coming for the entire planet. A turning point where current deception will collapse, and the light will rise again. Jews will unite and purify the world of evil, and many persecuted people will join the move for the most Awe inspiring, peaceful, and striking restauration of the world and all nature.
אשרך הארשי