United States Christian Author and Poet David Keith Sumrell
Because Kingdom of David is is direct lineage to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour and Son of God.
I am David and a Christian man. Through my Faith I
became an author in a very unusual way. I started writing poetry in 1990.
I have helped many others write and helped them get their book(s) published. I
started writing in 2004, as Bradley Dallas North Publications.
Now, before 2004, Bradley Dallas North never existed. All six of my books
are true stories about David K. Sumrell. I went through all of the
adventures, trials and tribulations, before and after learning I had cancer.
I never asked the Lord to save my life, but I made a Covenant to God. This all happened
after realizing the cancer that started in my eye, had spread throughout my body, lymph
system and brain. I was terminal and sent home to die.